Why does Cal only wear one glove?

Cal is no longer working at the ship breaking yard, so he has no need to continue wearing a glove for work purposes.

Why does Luke only wear one glove?

Count Dooku cut off Anakin Skywalker's hand, and Darth Vader cut off Luke Skywalker's hand. Both men had a mechanical hand, over which they would often wear a glove.

Does Cal Kestis have a missing hand?

During his escape from Order 66, Kestis lost this weapon when it fell down an elevator shaft after a pair of Clone troopers shot the lightsaber out of Cal's hand. During the early Imperial Era, Kestis kept the saber of his fallen master while on the run from the Empire.

What ability does Cal Kestis have?

Force Stasis: Cal can telekinetically restrain and immobilize people or to halt objects. He used this ability as a Padawan escaping Order 66 on a group of clone troopers after they killed his master Jaro Tapal Five years later, Cal also used it to traverse landscapes by freezing fast-moving platforms.

Is Cal Kestis a GREY Jedi?

Cal Kestis Becomes A Grey Jedi

While having Merrin as a playable character in Jedi: Fallen Order 2 would be fantastic, she could also serve as a new master for Cal.

Jedi Fallen Order is too violent

Who has a cyan lightsaber?

We've seen that only one character in Star Wars Canon has had a cyan lightsaber, Cal Kestis.

How old is Cal Kestis in rise of Skywalker?

If Cal is 13 in Fallen Order's Clone Wars flashbacks, that would make him roughly 18 during the events of the game. Another five years would mean Cal is about 23 years old in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

Why is Cere no longer a Jedi?

As a former Jedi Knight, Cere possessed the Force-sensitivity and skills required for such a position. While she cut herself off from the Force, shortly following the Great Jedi Purge, due to the trauma inflicted upon her by the Galactic Empire, Cere was a powerful Jedi.

Is Orange lightsaber canon?

Let's take a look. While the most common (and recognizable) lightsaber colors in Star Wars are blue, red, and green, the Star Wars universe has a variety of colors for these weapons – eight, to be precise, including the orange lightsaber, made canon in Jedi: Fallen Order.

Will there be a fallen Order 2?

More videos on YouTube. During day two of the weekend-long Star Wars Celebration event, we got a first look at the sequel to Jedi: Fallen Order, called Jedi: Survivor. It's expected to launch in 2023 for the PS5, Xbox Series X / S, and PC.

Is Qui Gon a GREY Jedi?

Relationship with the Council

Some members of the Jedi Order considered Qui-Gon Jinn to be a Gray Jedi.

What color is Cal Kestis lightsaber canon?

Cal Kestis' second lightsaber first appeared in the 2019 video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Although the canon color of the weapon's blade is blue, its kyber crystal can be customized with the other possible colors of green, orange, purple, yellow, indigo, cyan, and magenta.

Does Cal only wear ponchos?

There are plenty of customization options in Jedi: Fallen Order, and Cal himself can wear a variety of different outfits & ponchos. There is so much brilliance within Jedi: Fallen Order, undoubtedly the best game of the new Star Wars era under Disney ownership.

Why did Darth Vader cut off Luke's hand?

In severing Luke's hand, Vader was trying to get the Jedi to follow his own journey to becoming a Sith Lord. It will be interesting to see how Lucasfilm build on the early years of Anakin Skywalker becoming Darth Vader.

Why does Luke dress like a Sith?

It's a lot of black like a certain Sith Lord who has turned to the Dark Side... Yes, Luke is dressed in black in Jedi by Lucas to deliberately show the viewer how close the character is to let his fear and hate overwhelm him.

Is CERE a GREY Jedi?

Wookieepedia defines a Gray Jedi as a force-sensitive that walks the line between light and dark, not fully giving into the dark side and not fully aligning with the light. I think that this terminology suits Cere fully.

Is the Second Sister a Sith?

History. A former Jedi Padawan, the Second Sister was an Inquisitor in the service of the Sith. During the early years of the Galactic Empire's reign, she was tasked with hunting down Jedi Padawan Cal Kestis.

Who was Cere's padawan?

Cere Junda, a Force-sensitive human female, was a former Jedi Knight and Jedi seeker, who mentored Padawan Cal Kestis in the ways of the Force during the rise of the Galactic Empire. At one time, she served as the Padawan of Jedi Master Eno Cordova before taking Trilla Suduri as her apprentice.

Is Cal Kestis alive during mandalorian?

Cal Kestis

The game ends with the crew setting off on a new adventure, and while Cal hasn't been seen or mentioned since, the fact that his story ended with him being alive is good enough reason to conclude that he's still alive.

How old is the Grand Inquisitor?

Therefore, it can be deduced that the Grand Inquisitor title was founded by 19 BBY.

How old was Kanan Jarrus during Order 66?

Kanan, only fourteen years old at the time, would forever be haunted by Billaba's last words to him, telling her Padawan to run from the clones as she held them back, apparently getting herself killed by Grey's blaster fire.

What's the rarest lightsaber color?

Yellow lightsabers are some of the rarest blades to be wielded by a member of the Jedi Order. Jedi Master Plo Koon, Ahsoka Tano, and Rey Skywalker have been known to utilize them on occasion, but they are primarily the blade color of the Jedi Sentinel.

What does a GREY lightsaber mean?

A Gray Jedi may refer to a Jedi that operates outside of the influence of the Jedi Council and does not adhere to the Jedi Code. 3. A Gray Jedi may refer to a Jedi that operate outside the influence of the Jedi Council and Jedi Code and toes the line of the light side and dark side of the Force like Jolee Bindo.

Who has a white lightsaber?

Ahsoka Tano, the former Jedi Padawan who aided in the rebellion against the Galactic Empire, is acknowledged as the sole possessor of the white lightsaber.
